
The Adventure Awaits

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5 Total posts
  1. Turning 30, Age Gaps And Embracing Life!

    08 October 2023 | By Jess

    I left the UK when I was 29 and headed on a solo journey with a one-way ticket to Thailand, not knowing where this would take me... I'm now 31, I left my career, I don't own a car or house, and don't even know if I want children. But what I do know is that I have a lifetime of memories and have become a better version of myself.

  2. Thailand

    25 September 2023 | By Liv & Jess

    This is a blog all about Thailand and the places we visited when we were travelling. We dig deep into our recommendations and experiences and detail where we stayed, how to get to each place, and the easiest method of transport to get around.

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